Friday, September 9, 2011

my trip to ohio

                 I like to go camping with my troop 921 evwey month. This is the story of my favorite campout so far.
                March 21/2011, I went camping with my troop at Right Pat air force base in Dayton Ohio. The ride there was long and boreing, but it was worth it when I got to The Air andSpsce meseum. the meuseum had lots of cool planes like, heli copters, bombers, super sonic, and planes from the Wright brothers (repleca). I liked the prototype section, it hadthis one aircraft called the UFO. The UFO has twin machene guns, bullet proof glass, hovvers 10 feet above ground, and looks like a flying sauser from a movie. There was this other plane that could dock to the botom of a bomber. The plane is so small it's basically a engine wwith a cog pit and wings.

              The meuseum inspiren me to think of joing the air force or be a air transportation enginer.  The meuseum was a good place to go and taut me lots of facts about world war 1&2, the cold war, and the war currently going on in Iraq.

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